Side Element AFO

Custom from Cast or Scan

  • Complete immobilization of the ankle
  • Perfect for patient prone to breaks
  • Full medial and lateral strut
  • Open design makes it lightweight and easy to don
  • More rigid and comfortable than thermoplastics

The Side element is an extremely rigid AFO used to completely immobilize the ankle. This design offers tri-planar control which reduces stresses and pain at the ankle and foot. It comes standard as a posterior AFO but can easily be changed to anterior or a step though design to give you ground reaction forces. The open posterior design makes it easy and less bulky to wear. The Side Element is highly customizable and has many options which are listed below.

Side Element AFO’s are available exclusively through clinical orthotists and prosthetists.

Check with your doctor and orthotist to verify that you can safely use the Side Element AFO. The Side Element AFO applies biomechanical corrective forces to the leg, increasing ambulatory performance. Your doctor/orthotist will select the proper design to maximize these benefits specific to your individual needs. Your doctor/orthotists will be there for any follow-up care, adjustments, repairs and its eventual replacement. Ask your doctor/orthotist for guidance on the use and care of your Side Element AFO.

Your doctor/orthotist will determine if the Side Element AFO is right for you!

Do not use the Side Element AFO for ambulation or transfer if you are not capable of ambulation or transfer.

About the Side Element AFO

Side Element AFO Custom from Cast or Scan
Anterior, Posterior or Step-through Checkmark for Off the Shelf
Pretibial Shell Checkmark for Off the Shelf
Choice of Footplate Stiffness Checkmark for Off the Shelf
Choice of AFO Height Checkmark for Off the Shelf
Choice of Footplate Length Checkmark for Off the Shelf
Choice of Color or Fabric Finish Checkmark for Off the Shelf
Choice of Ankle Alignment Checkmark for Off the Shelf


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